Mindere uitslag met 5e en 10e plek op Duffel
Helaas kan het niet alle weken prijs zijn maar met slechts 2 duiven bij de eerste 10 zijn we niet echt tevreden. Dit zal toch echt beter moeten.

****************************** 1. NATIONAL ACE 2011 She is a granddaughter to the famous "EURO" and "CHÉ" and achieved the following results: 1. NPO Peronne - 5.282 p. 16. NPO Pommeroeul - 8.056 p. 47. NPO St. Quentin - 7.567 p. 178. NPO Morlincourt - 5.146 p.
**************************** Super breeding son of "BIG BOSS". "PITBULL" is father to 5 different first prize winners! ♦ 1. Pt.St.Maxence – 976 p. ♦ 1. Quievrain – 912 p. ♦ 1. Duffel – 3.126 p. ♦ 1. Chateaudun – 893 p. ♦ 1. Heusen-Zolder – 328 p. & Father "PORSCHE 911" with 19 prizes in 2017! & Gr.father: 8. NPO Chateauroux, 2.933p.
**************************** Super racer with 2 Top-10 Teletext mentions on National NPO races. ♦ 5. NPO Nijvel -10.153 ♦ 7. NPO Peronne- 5.632 Nowadays basic stock breeder. Many descendants won 1st prizes or are great breeders like his sons "PITBULL", "RED BULL" and "CANNAVARO".
****************************** 1. NATIONAL ACE 2011 She is a granddaughter to the famous "EURO" and "CHÉ" and achieved the following results: 1. NPO Peronne - 5.282 p. 16. NPO Pommeroeul - 8.056 p. 47. NPO St. Quentin - 7.567 p. 178. NPO Morlincourt - 5.146 p.